Specializing in a field gives you a unique perspective and expertise in a particular area of study.  Instead of one in every hundred cases sharing similarities, each case you see falls under your chosen focus.  Just as the field of medicine is broad, so is the financial landscape.  Similar to seeing a cardiologist for heart trouble, it makes sense to work with a financial professional who specializes in working with physicians and understands the nuances of your particular situation, concerns, and needs.  

“In fact, researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours.”

~ Malcolm Gladwell,                     
Outliers: The Story of Success

After more than 30 combined years of experience, over 15,000 meetings, and 20,000+ hours of working with medical and dental professionals, we have become specialists in creating strategies to meet the financial challenges faced by physicians.

Quite simply, physicians have unique financial needs.  You have so many financial issues and options on a personal and business level.  This complexity can make decision-making very difficult and our experience reveals that while most physicians have a significant interest in financial issues, they are too busy to take the time to research all of the details.  During school, the focus is on your training, and few curriculums teach how to manage your finances.  There may be a class on practice management or contracts, but none that really addresses the actual details of a financial strategy for you or your practice.

This is where we come in.  At Gifford Financial, we will help you navigate through the financial landscape, and ensure your decisions are based on what you value most in life.  A successful financial strategy should work under all scenarios, things that occur in real life and through all of the stages of life.  We have discussions with you that are far more relevant and specific because we know your world so well.  Together we will design a roadmap for your financial future and develop a trusted relationship that will be a source of comfort and strength as life moves you forward.